Wednesday, September 30, 2015


.. obvio.. VIDA HAY UNA SOLA ! ..

Seasonal Streaks Point to Recent Flowing Water on Mars Image Credit: NASA, JPL, U. Arizona

What creates these changing streaks on Mars? Called Recurring Slope Linea (RSL), these dark features start on the slopes of hills and craters but don't usually extend to the bottom. What's even more unusual is that these streaks appear to change with the season, appearing fresh and growing during warm weather and disappearing during the winter. After much study, including a recent chemical analyses, a leading hypothesis has emerged that these streaks are likely created by new occurrences of liquid salty water that evaporates as it flows. The source for the briny water is still unclear, with two possibilities being condensation from the Martian atmosphere and underground reservoirs. An exciting inference is that if these briny flows are not too salty, they may be able to support microbial life on Mars even today. The featured image of a hill inside Horowitz Crater was investigated by instruments aboard the robotic Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that has been returning data from Mars since 2006.

Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse and Lightning Storm Image Credit & Copyright: Jose Antonio Hervás

What's more rare than a supermoon total lunar eclipse? How about a supermoon total lunar eclipse over a lightning storm. Such an electrifying sequence was captured yesterday from Ibiza, an island in southeastern Spain. After planning the location for beauty, and the timing to capture the entire eclipse sequence, the only thing that had to cooperate for this astrophotographer to capture a memorable eclipse sequence was the weather. What looked to be a bother on the horizon, though, turned out to be a blessing. The composite picture features over 200 digitally combined images from the same location over the course of a night. The full moon is seen setting as it faded to red in Earth's shadow and then returned to normal. The fortuitous lightning is seen reflected in the Mediterranean to the right of the 400-meter tall rocky island of Es Vedra. Although the next total eclipse of a large and bright supermoon will occur in 2033, the next total eclipse of any full moon will occur in January 2018 and be best visible from eastern Asia and Australia.


.. la idea era NADA .. las sombras no deben proyectarse obvio ..
.. pero fue en una tarde ayudando al mantenimiento ..
.. lindo efecto no ? ..



.. en lo que parecía un día plagado de nubes ..

.. se vio INCREIBLE ! ..

.. Muchos son los eclipses que vi en mi vida pero este es el primero que lo hago teniendo neumonia.. JURO QUE AHORA ME SIENTO MEJOR !.. ES TERAPEUTICA LA FOTOGRAFIA !


A Juan Ignacio Gerini por mantenerme entretenida con sus audios por WhatsApp contándome todo desde el Observatorio

A Guillermo García por lo mismo

A Chelito por enviarme algunas fotos por WhatsApp ( Chin Chin por el Té Chelito )
A Andrés Lencina ( por KABALA )

A Gabriel Sánchez y Juan Olivero con quienes también mensajeamos

A Guido Báncora también por la conexión WhatsApp y SUERTE en el examen

A Paola Poly

A la familia de Walter Giménez que me cuentan que desde Fisherton se vio ESPECTACULAR ..

y por último ...

A Raúl Barontini por pasarme los datos del eclipse 
Muchas Gracias Raulito! ... y las fotos TE LAS DEDICO A VOS ! ...