Monday, February 6, 2017


Question 6 – Dr Hawass, what do you think about the discoveries of the Scan Pyramids project? Do you think that "non-invasive research" realized with new technologies is the future of archeology?

I want to explain one thing. The major problem when scientists use new techniques to look for secret rooms in the Great Pyramid is that they say any hollow is a secret room. But before you identify a hollow in the pyramid as a secret room, you have to understand that when they built the pyramid they used large and small stones, leaving empty spaces. Therefore, when the new technique shows a hollow, it could just be an empty space. And this is why I'm now the head of the scientific team that is looking at what the French, Japanese and Egyptian teams are doing. They showed us two anomalies, one behind the northern main entrance of the pyramid and the other in the north-east corner of the pyramid. It's very important to understand that if you find something in the main entrance, there is a descending corridor there, so it could be something meant to support this – we don't know. This is why we've asked them to do more work – to better identify these hollows – to be sure if it's a room, or if it's connected with the construction of the Great Pyramid. When they announced that there was a variation in heat on the east side of the Great Pyramid, I went there the next day and found that it was because a stone there had been restored with cement in 1939.

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